Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Minnesota Friends

My time in Minnesota has been short – just over fifteen months. But the Lord has blessed me here in so many ways, something He has reminded me of often over this past week!

On Tuesday, the staff at Camp Lebanon had a potluck to “celebrate” my departure. I have been very blessed to be a part of this ministry and the wonderful team the Lord has brought here. I’m not sure I added to the ministry as much as I received, although I seem to be quite renowned for my efficiency. But I shall never forget the people here. And in case I should ever be tempted to, I have only to pull out the gifts they gave me: ironing board, iron and ironing board cover. An ideal gift. Why? Well, I’m sure there are not many people in this world who have experienced aching fingers from tying ironing board covers on the ironing boards for quilters.

Let me explain: the ironing boards we use are actually very narrow tables, about 18 inches by five feet, placed in special holders Phil made so they are higher than your waist. Each one is padded, but they have to be covered with sheets of cotton. The corners of these have to be tied tightly at each end of the board. And, sometimes, the two corners meet only enough to manage a tiny knot. This has to be done between every quilt retreat – so four or five times each quilt season. And there are around twenty-five of those to do. When you’re finished you have very sore fingers! Something I will remember and smile at every time I take out my ironing board to iron Ed’s shirts. J

Not only have I been very blessed at camp, but I have also been blessed at my church. Because I’m a New Englander by birth, it does take me a year or more to truly warm up. Add that to driving 45 minutes and having to duck out as soon as church is over during the entire summer to get to camp; I am just getting to know the people at church. At yet so many said good-bye and asked if I could send pictures of the wedding. Two families gave Ed and I a gift. And I also spent the afternoon with the Carlsons, a vey special treasure God has given me during my time here, especially as I think ahead of my own marriage.

You see, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson have been married for 60 years. He just turned 84 and she just turned 81. They have three living daughters and I’m not sure how many grandchildren or great-grandchildren. I have seen pictures of their wedding, heard stories of their families (he’s one of eight, she’s one of eleven) and enjoyed their fellowship more than words can express. They have so much wisdom and life is simply the path to Heaven for them. One Sunday afternoon when we spoke of how married couple today have but one goal (happiness) or they’ll split up, Mr. Carlson turned to his wife and asked, “Have you been happy?” Mrs. Carlson shrugged her little shoulders, “Of course. I can’t think of a time when I haven’t been.” And yet I know only their integrity prevented a file for bankruptcy once, they’ve lost one daughter to cancer and now they’re aging bodies are slowing and aching. And yet there’s never been a time when they weren’t happy!

I have also been blessed in the place where I live. It’s a small apartment complex and while everyone living there doesn’t know Christ, they are wonderful neighbors. They stop and chat, shovel snow from the front of my garage and I always enjoy the kids. As I was loading my car, one of the ladies from the other side of the building stopped to ask about my move. She’s older, probably near 80 since she just had her first great-grandchild, and she was quite happy to hear I was getting married. She told me she was going to go find me a gift. I told her she didn’t have to do that, but off she went. And returned with an unopened 14-piece Pyrex set she insisted on giving me. I truly didn’t know what to say, but I will surely think of her every time I use it.

I have wondered often over the past week if I have given even half as much as I have received since coming to Minnesota. I truly doubt it. But I hope the Lord has used me…and will continue to as I pray for those I have met here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes.

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