Friday, June 9, 2017

Emry's Little World

Emry has always seemed to have a good imagination, although her play tends to reflect her reality. I know that’s normal, but her memory is extremely keen so her play is very realistic. When I think back on the games I use to play as a kid, I wonder if pirates will ever invade her backyard since she’ll never actually see a pirate. But even if she’s never the princess of the entire world, she has proven herself to be quite imaginative as late.

As you saw in the last post, I took pictures of Ethan for his 4-month-anniversary a few days ago. I left the package of month stickers on the bed where Emry sat thinking she might leave them alone. I should have known better. After all, stickers are stickers and since our discovery of them a month or so ago they’re all she wants to do in her spare time (until we’ve run out of them!). When I looked up, I had to laugh:

This week we also got her a little pool to help her survive the summer months. (Did I say help her survive? I meant help Mama survive!) We had a little trouble with getting the water turned on outside the house (first I didn’t know it was off and Ed wasn’t around, then I attempted to turn it on and wasn’t strong enough, then Ed had to get out a clamp to turn it but it snapped off…and well, we currently have an adapter to hook the hose to the kitchen sink until that gets fixed) so Emry and I improvised. Since she already had her Minnie Mouse swimsuit on and since I couldn’t fill the pool with water, I found a couple of buckets, filled them with water and her “friends” (aka bath toys and some dishes) and set them in the empty pool with her. She didn’t know the difference and has spent many happy hours lost in her own world (where ducks take baths in teapots and life consists of counting up to twelve over and over again).

My favorite thing lately is realizing how sharp her memory is. The other day I put on a pair of shoes I had bought three weeks ago and hardly worn. She watched me and then said, “Mama’s shoes at Papa’s work.” She was right. I had gotten those shoes at “Papa’s work” – Dick’s –and I hardly thought she was watching me try them on. She also remembers locations extremely well. We take walks and she can tell you where she is by landmarks: the ice cream shop (Dairy Queen), the donut shop (Sheetz, a local gas station), New York Ave (where a huge military plane flew over very low on Memorial Day), and where all the neighborhood dogs live she likes to say hello to. She calls Toys R Us is the “play store” (we took her there on a rainy day when we all needed to get out of the house and she had a blast wandering aisles for over an hour, “test driving” Power Wheels and carrying a stuff Mickey Mouse she found around until Mickey had to “go home” and was put back on the shelf). She dances when we walk past the local bright pink dance studio, looks for the bunny in a neighbor’s yard because she saw one there once, wants to go to the “steps and slides” (park) when we cross a certain bridge (and let me say there are so many bridges in Pittsburgh – more than anywhere else in the world – to know a particular one is quite a feat) and clearly remembers the local sewage office will give her a lollipop when Mama goes to pay the bill.

It truly is fun to watch her learn and grow, even though I never know what will pop out of her mouth next!

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