Monday, July 9, 2018

Blogging Absence

Since I don’t have a huge blog following, I’m sure no one has wondered if I’ve fallen off the face of the earth over the past few weeks. Actually, I’ve been at my parents in Indiana with Emry and Ethan (and Ed who joined us the first couple of days, returned home to work, and then came back for several more days at the end). It’s been a busy two-and-a-half weeks. Full of zoos, swimming, playgrounds, a fun cousin and just generally two children exploring the wide open plains of Indiana. My parents’ house can be a child’s dreamland: step out any door and there’s lots of room to roam, a swingset, blueberries to pick and eat, lightning bugs to catch and dogs to chase. And Mama doesn’t have to worry – much. Even Ethan can’t run a quarter mile down the drive to the road. Of course, he can learn to climb up to the slide by himself. And Emry isn’t usually one I worry about much anyhow – although, she quickly learned to let herself out through the garage and simply disappear (but never far)!

So, in case my very few readers missed anything from my short vacation, I have several things to post over the next week – including pictures of kids having lots of fun!

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