Friday, July 20, 2018

Sick, Sick, Sick

Seems like coming home from vacation nearly always brings on sniffles or something. This time Emry came down with a little something, mostly a runny nose and lots of sleep in her eyes every morning. Naturally, she shared with Ethan. (If only sharing toys came so naturally!) His included a terrible sounding cough. On top of more teething, he was just fussy and clingy. Emry just hasn’t been her constantly bouncy self…which isn’t entirely a bad thing.

Especially when I get it…and share with Ed. I had a nose that wouldn’t stop running, followed by aches all over and lots of congestion. Mostly, though, I just felt rundown with barely enough energy to keep up with two kids and try to keep things around here as clean as possible. Ed got it the worse – cough, congestion, soar throat, run down and he even called off one day of work.

Such has been our week. Now it’s Friday and I finally woke up (even though it was 5 in the morning so I could get to work) with energy! I felt like I had so much energy I was ready to run a marathon. I went to work, came home and played with the kids, enjoyed an evening with my family without feeling testy, and now will head to bed.

And, hopefully with better health, blogging next week will be a bit more interesting!

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