Thursday, September 27, 2018

Oh, what a Week!

Well, it is Thursday and I have yet to blog once. Probably because if I had one more thing to my list that has to get done…

It’s been one of those three-ring-circus weeks. Not so much because of activities, although I do seem to be working every spare moment I have from home and different work projects that entail everything from simple lists to trying to get three different spreadsheets to match up (where did that penny go?!?!?). In an attempt at clearing my dining room table, I have a project which included scrapbooks supplies I am trying to complete. We leave for a week in New Hampshire (via Newport, Rhode Island) on Saturday so in my head I am trying to make sure I pack everything the kids could possibly need…not to mention myself. Of course there is always the usual laundry, cleaning, school, meals…and trying to keep peace between two restless children when it hasn’t stopped raining the past three days. But the biggest distraction has been our big decision: we’re moving to Indiana at the end of October.

This has been a prayer of mine for a while. Now Ed has a found a job that will enable us to be near most of my family, even if it does mean finances will be a bit tight for a little while and the changes will be bigger than I probably realize. Right now, thought, it’s just a lot of logistics to work through to get us there. Packing (which I already started and is hardly a concern I have since I can do it in my sleep), getting our things out there, finding a place to live (although we can stop over at my parents’, thankfully), turning off things here and switching on things there, finishing up work things and finding a replacement, all the things Ed wants to do and people to say good-bye to here, changing addresses, driver’s licenses and a whole slew of other things. My list is growing and my head is spinning.

Sooo…if I’m a bit absent on my blog over the next month, please excuse me. It is on my list – it just probably isn’t on the top!

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