Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Spring...is Coming

I had high hopes of a good, long winter. Snow on Halloween helped those hopes. Surely if it started early, it would last a long time. Right? Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. It has been a mild winter, not a huge amount of snow and only a couple of days of very cold mixed in with just the general cold. Now the weather is certainly turning towards spring. Which has its good points, certainly. After all, it does mean the kids can be out running off all the energy their little bodies contain. I have sent mine out as often as possible, armed with a jump rope, chalk, and whatever else they want to play with. We’ve gone on a couple of bike rides around the neighborhood. On Sunday at small group, they spent the whole time outside jumping on our host’s trampoline and playing whatever out in the yard. Yesterday, we walked the mile down to the park (well, Ethan rode in the stroller and Emry rode her bike) and spent at least an hour and a half running about and enjoying lunch on the swing bench we always do. It is nice to get out and get some fresh air, which also – hopefully – means we can avoid yet another bout of severe colds. (Although, I must say, at least we avoided the second part many families I know had which was a stomach bug that never ended!) 

Still, I was hoping for a longer winter. For one, I like winter. But, two, I don’t have any spring/warm weather maternity clothes. The times I’ve been pregnant in warmer weather was always at the beginning of my pregnancies when I didn’t need maternity clothes yet. Now I’m trying to figure out what very few things I can get by with until this baby comes and I can fit in most of my clothes again. Fingers crossed the spring will be somewhat mild and I can drop off enough of this weight to fit into my summer clothes quickly. I’m not sure I have much hope on either count.

But there are certainly worse things having to wear the same two shirts or pairs of pants for a month or six weeks. There’s always the anticipation that once I can wear my regular clothes again, it’s like getting a whole new wardrobe. And one much better than maternity clothes!

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