Saturday, October 30, 2021

Fall Celebration!

Since I was nine years old, instead of trick-or-treating, my family would have a fall celebration. It included ordering pizza, dressing up, making and hitting piñatas, and other games involving candy. Since last year, the tradition now continues with my kids. I have to say I am grateful Grandma takes them to make the piñatas (okay, paint them)…I never did like that part.


This year Aunt Jenny also incorporated a cake walk. My sister Jenny has adored cake walks ever since she first heard of them when she was probably about Emry’s age. She made cupcakes, drew a huge circle with numbers in my parents driveway, brought out music…and the cake walk began!


I think my kids were as excited about that as they were the piñatas, even though they weren’t sure what a cake walk was. But it meant cupcakes in a box they had decorated, so whatever else they imagined it had to be great. And they all had great fun dancing around the circle to the music, even Ellyson for a short time. We won’t tell them the walk may have been rigged. I mean, it was a little suspicious that everyone went home with six cupcakes in their box…


Enjoying the cake walk!


This year even Ellyson got a piñata. She enjoyed giving it a couple of whacks with the bat before she got tired and Papa finished for her. She was very happy with her fruit snacks and lollipops. Especially the lollipops.


Ellyson with her piñata.


Emry the prairie girl, Ethan the storm trooper, and Ellyson the skeleton.

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