Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Emry: WOW Student of the Week

By the time dance came to an end last year, Emry seemed to have lost some interest, curious more about gymnastics than furthering her dancing skills. That was fine with me as I want her to try many things and signed her up for “Acro” at her dance studio. Basically a tumbling class and only a time commitment of four weeks, she would at least learn the basics of gymnastics so she could decide if she liked it. Unlike me at her age, she doesn’t constantly turn cartwheels, walk across anything that resembles a balance beam, or flip over any set of bars within reach. So, I wanted to be sure she really wanted to switch before I figured out the cost and commitment of that. And while she enjoyed Acro, on the other side of it when I asked if she wanted to be on the B-bopper team again, she said yes and didn’t ask about Acro or gymnastics.  So, I signed her up.


I really like the B-bopper team because 1) I really love Miss Kelsey her teacher, and 2) it improves her skills for a whole year instead of two sessions and focuses on lots of practice, tons of improvement, and works towards a goal of competition. I wasn’t completely sure how she would do as the weeks went on, though. Much to my surprise, she’s thrived. I’m not a dance professional (I can only remember my first three positions), but even I have seen improvements. She loves the songs Miss Kelsey chose for both Winter Showcase and competition, and she’s excited about going each week. The other week I overhead two other moms talking about their daughters griping about practicing throughout the week and it dawned on me that Emry doesn’t complain about her daily practice. She might ask me if she can’t just do it later, but she doesn’t gripe. Practice has simply become a part of what dancing is all about.


This week, Emry was nominated as one of the three WOW students of the week:


W – Works Hard

O – Outstanding Attitude

W – Willing to Help Others


I’m very proud of our little dancer.

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