Friday, December 10, 2021

Visions of Christmas Past: The Train

The first Christmas we were married, I got Ed a Lionel train. I’ve always liked the idea of a train chugging around the Christmas tree.  Ed has fond memories of trains when he was very small and his parents were still married. His dad had several small trains set up in their basement. Not 100% sure of what I was looking for and certainly not having extra cash on hand to get into a hobby as expensive as trains, I did learn about gages and found the perfect locomotive to run around our tree each Christmas for a decent price: the Pennsylvania Flyer.


Ed is meticulous about this train. He takes better care of it each year as he takes it from the box, sets it up, and later safely packs it away again than he would ever take care of me. But he does like to share it with the kids. They just can’t touch it without first listening to a very serious speech about taking care of it followed by a promise they will not touch it unless he is playing with them. They are not yet at the age where they roll their eyes at all this, so they merely half listen to the speech as they anxiously wait to be handed the controls.


Emry was 8 months old her first Christmas, but she was sitting up and easily figured out how to turn the nob for movement and press the buttons for sounds. Usually careful with things, she never messed with it beyond what she was allowed. 

Emry driving the train: 2015.


Now Ethan was 10 months old his first Christmas and “careful” was not a word in his vocabulary. It took longer to teach him not to simply grab the train if he felt like it. On the other hand, he is of the male species. The train goes fast, makes noises, and has a remote: a win any way you look at it. He has always loved playing with the train.


Ethan driving the train: 2017.


Now comes Ellyson. A mere 6 months last year on her first Christmas, I don’t remember her showing any interest in the train then, but this year….she loves it! Of course, she’s game to try anything one of her siblings are doing. She’s also the one who shows the most expression: delight at things that make her happy and despair when something doesn’t go her way. We have a great video of her watching the train with Ed, Emry and Ethan; squealing and laughing with excitement. She, too, likes to send it zooming around the track!

Ellyson driving the train: 2021.

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