Monday, February 7, 2011

Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33

For me, the above verse is pretty straight forward. Turn it around anyway you want and it more or less says the same thing. And I’m not even married. I don’t have a husband to love me. And therefore, I do not have a husband to respect. Still, what God says goes. Right?

If you read Dr. Emerson Eggerich’s Love and Respect, you come to realize that there are, apparently, thousands of Christians in the world that don’t take God’s Word for what it says. Which is the whole reason he’s written his book and does his conference. For husbands don’t realize they’re supposed to love their wives. And wives don’t realize they’re supposed to respect their husbands. And even though Ephesians 5:33 seems to state that pretty simply, Dr. Eggerich uses 324 pages to explain it – with a lot of repetition, some pretty ridiculous clichés, and lots of letters that have been written to him. Versus what I would like to see in a book pertaining to godly marriages: biblical examples, Scripture and plain, hard truth. Just as we need for every aspect of our lives.

Towards the end of his book, Dr. Eggerich improves a little. He does make one point I like: marriage isn’t about just a husband and wife but a man and woman who love Christ first. With this solid foundation, most couples would find both love and respect a lot easier to give.

Being single, I won’t judge this book on what it might do to help a struggling marriage. But I will say it wouldn’t be the first one I would suggest to anyone: married or single.


This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review purposes only.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful on critiquing a book which is upon a subject that you have never experienced. A principle may seem simple and straightforward to you but it is not that easy. Most of the Lord's commands seem pretty straight forward, e.g. "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart..." but is it really that simple?? "Love and Respect" is an excellent book; it challenged my understanding and application on this topic and I quickly recommend it to other couples. No book is perfect but thank God for people such as Dr. Eggerichs who is able to shed new light on a principle so vital for marriage.
