Thursday, February 24, 2011

Love and Surprises

For my birthday this year, I got a note. A rather mysterious note. One that has had my curiosity peaked for days now.

First of all, a little explaining might help all of you understand why the note was so mysterious. In our household, it is customary to make a list of the things you want for your birthday or Christmas. Dad goes through the list and makes checks next to the things he thinks are all right to get us. Then Mom selects the ones she will purchase, buys and wraps them. This can make for some funny situations when the gift is finally opened. Dad will watch you open the gift and say, “Wow, that’s really nice. Who gave you that?”

“Um, you did, Dad.”

“Oh! Of course I did!”

So when you get a note from your mother – like I did – that says Dad has something particular he wants to get you for your birthday that year, it’s a little curious…

Sally, Haley and I spent a few moments Friday evening after I opened the note pondering on what the gift might be. On Saturday evening, something came to my mind (besides a rolltop desk…), but I didn’t think it was very likely. After all, I did turn 31.

I got home around nine last night from my writer’s critique group. I had my hands full of things and was on the phone but at the sight of the large box, I put all my stuff on the table and told my friend on the phone, “My birthday gift!” Then I proceeded to find a knife and slash it open. Guess what I got for my 31st birthday?


Now are you curious? Look back and read my blog from January 31. There you will discover the longings of a little girl’s heart. And now you will find a grown woman whose wish has been fulfilled. She has a dollhouse. One that will take her months to put together: lots of sanding, glue and patience as she pieces together walls, clapboards, floorboards, staircases and shingles. Once that is done, more hours will be spent painting, staining and wallpapering. Then a little family will move in with all their furniture.

“Every wise woman buildeth her house…” Proverbs 14:1a says. It is a verse I have been thinking about a lot lately. I guess I now get to put it into practice – literally. But as I spread it out on a table in one of the spare rooms, I have a feeling I’ll be dreaming of my next wish: a little girl of my own to enjoy the dollhouse her grandfather lovingly gave her mother for her 31st birthday.

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