Monday, March 21, 2011

Being Hospitable

I grew up in a home that was hospitable. Many a Sunday did we have a guest over from church, often the guest preacher who Dad would invite as soon as the service was over. Missionaries, older couples, families with lots of kids, families with one. It didn’t matter. If they could eat, they came over. We had so many people through our house, it probably looked like a restaurant at times. The more the merrier. Exactly the way I want my home to be one day.

So, this weekend, my housemate and I practiced our hospitality skills. Originally the invitation was just to one…but it grew to twelve. No big deal. We grilled out. Everyone brought something. And it was a lovely day. Not that we couldn’t have eaten inside, everyone joked. Exactly how much room do two single girls need? Apparently enough to have about 100 people over. That would give everyone about 63 square feet to themselves…unless we were outside. And I’m afraid I’m not good enough with acreage to feet to figure 18 acres into 100 people. At least, not off the top of my head.

It was a beautiful day outside. Bright and sunny with a nice breeze. We enjoyed good fellowship, the kids worked puzzles and played outside, I gave tours of the house, the food was wonderful and afterwards I shot some hoops and took a walk around the edge of the property just to see where it runs. It couldn’t have been better.

So, if any of y’all are ever down my way, my housemate and I would love to host you. Feed you, chat with you, and just generally entertain you. And why not? God has given us a great gift of a wonderful place to live. We like to share it with others. Which we will certainly do again soon.

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