Friday, March 18, 2011

New Things to Learn

In life, there are always new things to learn. In fact, if you have stopped learning you might want to check your pulse to see if you aren’t dead. If your heart is still beating, then you’re probably delusional. Or you just hate living. In which case, you’re much worse off than delusional – a lot worse off.

I have learned several things this week, but – so you will not be reading for the next hour – we’ll keep it down to two. The first? Cardboard. The second? Plywood, at least when it pertains to a dollhouse.

Cardboard. Now, there is a lot of cardboard in this world. I should know. After all, I have moved 14 times. I couldn’t even estimate how many boxes that tends to. But if you’re one of those unfortunate people who have never moved, stop by Wal-Mart and take a good look at how many things come in cardboard boxes. And then let me tell you that even Wal-Mart has nothing on a cardboard factory. Cardboard pieces three times the size of me, piled in stacks three times my height and stacked in so many piles you’d lose count. And while that is most amazing, even more astounding is how many people it takes to run a cardboard factory. Or the technology that goes into it. They have graphic artists that make the designs – shapes, folds, and pictures. Quality assurance to make sure the finished project is all in order. And enough machinery to fill…well, a warehouse. And how did I learn all this? If I was 14, I’d say I was on a field trip. But I wasn’t, although I got a grand tour. So…well, Lord willing, I’ll save that story for another time.

Plywood. Lots of it. As you can see by the pictures below. Sheets of the stuff with pieces cut out and ready to be glued into the shape of a dollhouse. I’ve spent the week preparing them. This means going over most of them with shellac. The ones I didn’t shellac, are seen in the picture of the staircase. Those were stained and polyurethaned. But as you can see, the house is on its way. Or, at least, the pieces are no longer in a box. And I have wallpaper. And the wiring kit to electrify it. And, I think at times, much more than I can handle!

My workroom…I think I might need a few more tables!

Pieces, pieces, pieces…

The pieces go together – and make staircases!

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