Friday, May 27, 2011

Deep, Thought Provoking Question

If you were an ice cream topping, what would you be?

This is the question we shall be asking the teenage girls that come up to our house tonight for our ice-cream tasting party. It's meant to be a break-the-ice kind of the thing, not a moral standard or virtue a young lady of godly character ought to find the deeper meaning to and apply to her life. The funniest thing about it is, some of us will try to find meaning in it. When I asked a friend the same question last night, the answer (after a laugh) was, "I'm trying to decide. Do I want to be squeezed out of a bottle? Or scooped up by a spoon and scattered all over the place?" Meanwhile, I was trying to decide what being the topping of nuts says about myself...

Tonight, of course, is meant to be fun. It's a chance of the girls to get together. It's a chance for them to do something funky. (After all, do you know anybody who gathers four different kinds of ice cream together, numbers them, types of tally sheets and judges it by taste, color, texture and overall performance? I mean, except the quality assurance guys at Ben and Jerry's or Blue Bell...which is a job I soooo want - even if it would mean I would spend the rest of my day exercising half to death to keep of the weight!) But for some of us - like me - having fun can be a challenge.

I told a friend this week to keep having fun. I can be serious enough for the both of us. So what I need is someone who enjoys good, clean fun. I'm not talking about anything wild. But I'm not even likely to sit down and watch a movie - at least not without some project in hand. Or stretch on the couch and read a good book - for I work full time so free time consists of chores, unfinished projects and then more chores. I most certainly don't get in my car and go to a baseball game or to meet a friend for coffee. If I'm out I'm running errands, jogging through the neighborhood or at church. Okay, okay...that's all a bit over-dramatic. But the center of all that is basically true: I don't take the time to just sit and enjoy anything - not if there's something else I have to do.

But for a couple of hours tonight, I will sit down and have some fun - well, as much fun as one can have hosting an ice cream tasting party for teenage girls. Just kidding. It will be fun. Or at least a lot of laughs!

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