Monday, May 9, 2011

Joys of Life

Seems odd that this time last week I was dressed in a sweater and corduroy (loved it!). Today I wish we had a pool up at the house!

Busy weekend. Fixed dinner Saturday night for a friend, Haley and her dad. Turned out great! Guess I'm really good at coleslaw. Even though I never made it, don't like eating it and feel like I cheated (by using the package of cut cabbage because what was I going to do with a whole head of cabbage?), but I was told I need to keep that recipe. That was after I spent the day running, cooking, working on my dollhouse, catching up on the phone, vacuuming my car and the carpets in the house and finally collapsing on the couch with a book - and falling asleep for about 20 minutes.

Sunday was warm, but not too bad to spend most of it outside - and some of it on the roof. At Easter while I was away, Texas received some high winds which blew the chimney cap off our very large chimney. It stayed on the roof, but it was a bent up enough. Although not very heavy, it is quite bulky. So; Haley, her dad, a friend and I climbed up on the roof and put it back in place. We also decided that on the 4th, we're putting chairs up on the roof and watching fireworks for miles around.

Forgot to bring the pictures I took of my progress on the dollhouse to work today, so I'll try to post them up here tomorrow. Not that there's that much to show. I plotted out the electricity so I can wire it this week - maybe. I decided I probably need to buy at least one light so I can test each of the outlets I'm putting and making sure they work along the way. But I did paint the clapboards. And this week I hope to build the two bay windows and wall of windows in the kitchen. Then I hope to paint the outside trim. I'll have at least two evenings to work on all that - I hope. Tonight I have tennis, Wednesday is writer's group and Friday I have things to prepare for some friends coming over Saturday. Since I'm determined to get the cheesecake perfect, that might take a little while...

I can't close this post without telling about the special gift God gave me on Friday at the grocery store. I went to get some apples, having researched online what disgusting Texas apple is best for baking in pies. I knew exactly what I wanted when I saw the first sign: MacIntosh Apples. If I was the sort of person who jumped for joy in public (or in private), I would have right there in the grocery store! I haven't seen MacIntosh apples since arriving in this state. And even though they're not the best for pies, I bought them anyway - enough for one pie and four for eating!

Clapboards, clapboards and more clapboards...

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