Friday, July 8, 2011

I guess we could call this blog "Reflections on my Week", but I'm not sure how deep I'll get into reflecting. I have a lot on my mind. A lot of deep thoughts brought on by conversations throughout the week and figuring out why I'm responding to certain things in particular ways. Definitely don't have all that figured out, but it's amazing what you can learn about yourself that 31 years hasn't already taught you. I'll probably say the same thing when I'm 91 - if I can think at all by then!

Typical Friday. Well, not really. It's not pandemonium around here (at least not yet, but it's only 1:30). That's good. It means my to-do list will actually get finished. I'll leave today without a mountain of work awaiting my arrival Monday morning. My blood pressure might be normal when I if I could only find a way to gain some energy. Every day this week the home health office manager has asked me if I'm okay. I'm quiet, not quite so up-beat as normal and keep to myself. Never know how to answer that, except to say I'm a bit tired and seem to have a lot on my mind.

Got my phone last night - FINALLY!!!! It's called Fed-ex delivery people do not think for themselves. Or are scared to cross railroad tracks and venture down dirt roads. Don't know which (for the UPS guy has no trouble getting to our house), but I called about a million times to make sure they would dare to be adventurous, the package was on the truck and it got delivered. For it's a pain to be without phone service for almost two days. (Okay, okay - so I had my work cell phone. Which was good because Haley was flying standby back from California, so she had to be able to reach me and tell me when she was getting in...) Anyhow, the phone is pretty cool. My first smartphone. Will probably never use everything on it, but it is fun to play with - not games, just figuring it out. (Of course, as usual, sometimes it tries to be smarter than you are. I wish it wouldn't do that!)

Will be headed to the Rangers game tonight. Hopefully any tragedies will be avoided, unlike last night's game. I remarked to a friend who's going that it's sure going to be hot.

"Well, it's a night game. The sun will go down and it will cool off."

"Oh, right. 90 instead of 100. Remind me to bring a sweater."

My first professional baseball game. After 31 years, I guess it's about time...

1 comment:

  1. I wondered if you were at the tragedy one or not. Hope you stayed clear of the edge.
