Friday, July 1, 2011

It's the Little Things

Friday afternoon. The dawn of a long weekend. And do I ever need it. The first time I checked the clock today it was already a quarter til noon. And I was on the phone (should have actually been on three phones, but I have yet to figure out how to multi-task phone calls), I had a pile of work in front of me, another pile beside me, another pile in the chart room and there has got to be another one somewhere in this office waiting to jump out and pounce on me the moment I conquer the other piles. In some ways I think: bad timing for a long weekend. For the first time in nearly 10 months (since the last audit), I can't catch up. (I probably just jinxed myself saying that: watch an auditor show up Tuesday morning...) On the other hand, maybe somewhere in the "restful" hours of this long weekend I can track down my sanity. (Only to misplace it again Tuesday morning.)

Don't even have any down time at home. With Haley gone, I get to take care of everything. Which meant mowing the lawn last night (a nearly 2 hour job on a riding mower, so you get the idea of the yard size). Tomorrow I have a date with a weed-eater. Never dated before (and never shall), but it feels like going out with someone you can't stand. The weed-eater and I don't have a love/hate relationship - we just flat out hate each other. That job will probably take me nearly four hours. In the insufferable Texas heat. Not sure anyone is going to show up on July 4th, even though I feel like I've invited a hundred people. But regardless, I will need to dustmop the house Monday morning and clean some bathrooms (like mine). But if no one shows up, at least I don't have to move all my dollhouse pieces out of the living room. Although I would rather do that than spend the entire holiday by myself. (I really need a dog...)

Okay, so my readers probably think of late I've got nothing better to do than gripe. That's not really true. Actually, I don't mind being busy. What I don't like is not being able to keep up with it all in my head. For in truth I keep to-do lists as a back-up: everything I do is in neat order in my head like a perfectly bulleted document. If it's not that way, I feel like I don't operate as I should. I'm letting others down. I'm letting myself down. Hate it when my perfectionist tendencies rear their ugly heads...

So on a truly wonderful note: something awesome happened earlier this week. It's going to sound stupid. Perfectly ridiculous. But it's a special blessing to me. For personal reasons I won't elaborate on, I'm switching cell phone carriers. The biggest thing to overcome for me was the fact that I could loose my cell phone number doing that. For me, my cell number is a little piece of New Hampshire I have gotten to keep with me. And as silly as it sounds, I didn't want to give up the one thing I still have from there. So, I prayed about it. And guess what? I get to keep it! Everything else will change next week, but my gracious Heavenly Father has shaken His head, laughed with me, and given me a special little gift. :)


  1. It is the little things that add up and the little things that matter!! I wonder if men feel like women do - always playing catchup? I'm tempted to blame our modern world, but I suspect it goes much deeper to the core of us. I pray your week is great :)

  2. I hope you do get some restful time...
    See you Tuesday
