Thursday, December 8, 2011

Gone...but not Forgotten

Excuse me while I drag out my soap box...which has grown since yesterday. Now I am stepping upon it. And for the next few minutes I will pretend I'm Daniel Webster or John Calhoun and wax eloquently:

Yesterday was a very important day in our nation: Pearl Harbor Day. Not only was it the day we remember that attack upon our nation which catapulted us further into World War II, but we remembered that it has been 70 years since that day. It is a day that lives in infamy - and so it should. It is a day that we never should forget.

I awoke thinking upon this day in history, trying to imagine the horror those men stationed in Pearl Harbor lived through and coming up short. When I got to work, I opened my web browser expecting to see an amazing work of art as Google also remembered this day in our nation. Instead blue, red, green and yellow letters starred back at me as if mocking the free nation that allows a company like Google to grow and prosper. And then today? Well, I opened my web browser and a work of art starred back - Google celebrating the art of a Mexican communist artist. I can't even tell you how angry that makes me. How anti-American can you be?

Well, I am not anti-American. I am very proud of the nation God has allowed me to be born in. I am proud of my father who served in the navy, my grandfather and great uncles who all served during World War II, and all my forefathers who defended the freedoms I enjoy in the Revolution, Civil War and almost every war the nation has seen. And I want to thank every single one of the men who served in World War II and the families who sacrificed in ways we cannot imagine today. I, for one, will not forget - ever.

And before I step down from my soap box, I leave you with this: The World War II veterans of this nation are dying. They are old, and tired, and every day one of them passes into eternity. One day, they will all be gone. What will our nation look like then?

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