Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Women are Coming!

We began staff meeting on Tuesday by sharing with others what we are thankful for. We got around to Jim (the chef) who said with a perfectly straight face, “The men are gone. The women are coming.”

“And which are you thankful for?” Lisa asked.


Whether we like it or not, the women are coming. 220 of them this weekend and about 230 of them next. And I stressed about it all last week…to the point that I hit a wall Friday morning. And felt sick before going into work on Monday. I’m not sure if women who feel called to women’s ministry have more grace than the rest of us or are just crazy.

God is ever gracious! Andrea and I both thought we’d hit Monday running an ultra marathon we hadn’t trained for. Women’s events at camp can be stressful, but other things have been going on that have lessened the usual pressure. We’ve ended every day this week looking at each other in amazement. Honestly, it feels like there’s got to be something HUGE we’re missing. But if there is, it’s not on my checklist.

Of course, there have been moments. I keep thinking I’m back in school. One woman tried to manipulate me with “threats” today as if I could make Jim appear in his office when he’d left work for the day.  Half the cancellations we’ve had share their “sob story” as if I’m the teacher and they’re trying to explain why they didn’t hand in their homework. I have had only one call from a woman who wanted to do the right thing about a cancellation, and I was more than happy to just let it ride as it was…for at least she tried!

And like the first day of school, I come to work today scared that the other girls won’t like me. After all, I’ve never really fit in. The five years I did spend in a school setting, I thankfully had friends. But I was also bullied.  I found books and tried to keep out of sight. Maybe most kids feel that way. Maybe most adults. I know I do. For sixty women arrive today and the other 160 tomorrow, most of them gabbing about their husbands, and kids, and the homes they have…while I’ve nothing to talk about but my job and the latest book I’ve read. They have no interest in that. And so, twenty-five years later, I still don’t fit in. And will bring a book to read in my down time.

Adult school is a lot harder than kids school. Especially women’s events that mean long hours (48 clocked working hours in just 3 ½ days) and lots of talking about husbands and kids. It’s hard not to envy the ones who speak of such things with joy. Those who are struggling and complain, I want to hit. Can’t they see that even though there are struggles, they’ve been given a husband to struggle alongside? They’re children may not be perfect, but they are reward from God! Some of us aren’t allowed the struggles anymore than we are allowed the blessings…and we would rejoice to have them both.

There will be many lessons to learn this weekend. The first is to have a humble, servant’s heart. For the women are coming. And God’s grace is sufficient. 

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