Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Baristas, More Snow and Driving In It

This Saturday I achieved a new skill. Probably not one I can put on my resume. I have serious doubts that Starbucks or Caribou would hire me. But I did learn how to use an espresso machine. “Learn” is the operative word. Camp owns an espresso machine which we lug out and use during winter teen events and women events. For the past year, I have had several occasions to watch Andrea (who use to work in a coffee shop) it. But last weekend, Andrea was in Arizona and no one else was around to make the coffee. So, reverting to the code that you can fake just about anything, I became a barista. No one died. And no one complained. We’ll call that successful.

Yesterday, it snowed. ALL DAY!!!! It was soooo lovely! For me, there is nothing in life more peaceful than sitting inside and watching snow fall. As the snow from December, January and February has been melting away, it’s been quite sad. After all, it is only March. I’m not sure I’ll confess to the others up here, but I was praying for more snow. And we got 8 or 10 inches yesterday! (I’m still holding out for 12 to 15 sometime between now and May, but we’ll see!) It’s been lovely to see a world of pure white again.

And also precarious. Yesterday, I did go into work in the morning because the roads were mostly clear. And they were. Three hours later, that was not the case and I went home. Except for a couple of times when I had to share the road, I kept right to the middle. This year I have experienced whiteouts while driving and driving on 2 inch thick sheets of ice for miles on end. Yesterday, with the snow falling and no plowing since 8 or so that morning, I experienced having no clue where the sides of the roads were. And it is extremely difficult to drive through a world of whiteness – it plays with your vision and blurs your sense of distance. Sometimes, I wasn’t sure if I was in the middle of the road or not! And then today, I decided the weather was warm enough (25) to go for a run. Let’s just say that trying to keep my footing on the icy roads left my time a little off – but I did it!

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