Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Sisters

When I tell people I'm one of eight kids, their eyes get wide. 99% of the time, the next question asked is, "Which are you?" Followed by, "How many girls and how many boys?" When I say six girls, two boys; I get different responses. Some are "Your poor brothers" as if they didn't give back as good as they got. Or "Six girls! How many bathrooms did you have?" as if we lived in our bathrooms and not our bedrooms. Honestly, you'd think having eight kids was up there next to the Seven Great Wonders of the Ancient World.

When you're one of many, you don't really think about how many of you there are. It's just your life. As you get older, you kind of get an idea of how many eight can really be. But by then, you're all off on separate ways and don't see each other much. It's been nearly six years since all eight of us have been together. With a brother deployed, even my wedding won't bring us all together. But this weekend, the six of us girls were all home for the first time in four years. And, yes, we ran out of hot water.

I decided to go home and get some wedding things done not long after I became engaged. I thought Easter, but with it not being until late April, I decided to go when Abby was on spring break. Then Katey decided to come, too (and bring the nephew! - pictures of him later!). So, we have spent a long weekend scratching things off from my list and generally enjoying being around each other.

I am very blessed with multi-talented sisters, and I am realizing that more and more as I prepare for this wedding. We tasted cakes with Sally who will be making my cake. We went to Joann's with Grace who works there and knows quite a bit about fabric and such (for bridesmaid dresses, etc.). Jenny works at Joseph A Banks so I went there to order suits, ties, shirts and all that. Plus she is my pianist, so we went over music and settled on that. Plus she made my posters for the reception. Katey helped okay my centerpieces, threw me a surprise shower and asked questions I hadn't entirely considered yet. And Abby (the baby) made sure all of us are falling into line and nothing gets done without her approval.

It's been a productive weekend. And I am very blessed with the sisters God has given me.

Abby, Jenny, Grace, Katey, Sally and me!

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