Monday, March 23, 2015

Thank You Notes

Some things you learn because you are taught them – others you learn by example. In our home, thank you notes was a little of both. My mom always insisted we sit down and write them. But it wasn’t a lesson she spoke and didn’t do. My mom is always sitting at her desk writing thank you notes for just about everything: gifts, meals, hospitality. Her taking the time to thank someone was a bigger lesson than her insisting we do it ourselves.

I realized when I was about thirty how much thank you notes were a part of my life. This guy at church invited me to play mini golf with him one Saturday. A friend and I went and had a good time. Afterwards, I had to nearly sit on my hands not to write a thank-you note for an enjoyable afternoon. Not because it wasn’t a nice gesture (although I had thanked him personally), but it just didn’t seem like the appropriate thing to do. So, no note was written. But since I married him three and a half years later, we’ll call it even.

Who knows how many thank-you notes I have written over the course of my life. Quite a few I’m guessing since I’ve actually been told after someone gave me something not to write them yet another thank-you note. But over the past year I swear I have written more thank you notes than I have in my past life put together. Between a wedding and having a baby…well, that’s a lot of notes to write. And since the baby hasn’t even arrived yet, there are many more to be written! So, funny enough, one of my favorite gifts for the baby has been a box of thank you notes already stamped and the return address written in the corner. What a wonderful idea!

I’m not complaining – not at all! I kind of like writing thank you notes, challenging myself to write something unique in each one. In truth, it doesn’t take long. And it’s such a small thing compared to the blessings each of these people has given me. But, I confess, it is also nice to be caught up for a while. Because in a few short weeks I won’t have quite as much time to write thank you notes…unless the baby wants to help! 

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