Monday, January 23, 2017

Funny Things

We have reached that stage with Emry when we’re starting to have to be careful about what we say and do. Why? Because it comes back to haunt us. The little phrases we use we don’t realize. The little idiosyncrasies we have we don’t notice. Or just the things she picks up on. For instance:

The oven mitt: I wouldn’t say Emry spends tons of time in the kitchen with me. Often I try to prep dinner while she’s in the bath or something. For one, I don’t have a lot of counter space so even her tiny body takes up much coveted space. She also likes to “taste” everything. And she enjoys emptying out the utensil holder. But I let her sit up there often enough, for I want her to think cooking is enjoyable. Ironically, the top thing she has picked up on is the oven mitt. She has a little oven mitt of her own which she often wears about the house whenever she is playing with her kitchen things, her cookie set or her pancake set. Everything must be done with the oven mitt on: setting the table, stirring, baking. Who knew the oven mitt had so many uses?

Bubbly drinks: Ed enjoys this fruit flavored sparkling water from Aldi’s. He usually drinks it in the same bluish glass, and if he has it with a meal he’ll pour Emry a little in her cup. The other night he had the blue glass, but he had poured just plain old water into it. Emry saw it and reached for it. Since it had but a sip left in it, we had her ask nicely for it. When he passed it over, she kindly traded him her sippy cup. Then she proceeded to take the sip of water. A funny look crossed her face, she looked down into the cup and asked, “Where’s the bubbles?”

“Mooches”: Thus far Emry’s words for different things are more phonetically challenged takes on words than actual “nicknames” for different things…until recently. We have been potty training (slowly!) and her treat for using her potty is M&M’s. Or, as she calls them “Mooches”.

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