Friday, November 17, 2017

My Kids

I guess everyone brags about their kids. After all, what fun is it to compare the bad things they do? The stall tactics Emry uses when it’s naptime, or how Ethan bites, or the two of them doing who knows what in the utility room again. Yeah…even I don’t want to dwell on those things.

So, I’ll tell about other things. Because, you know, I’ve only been told twice this week how completely adorable my kids are. It’s a good thing, too, because sometimes…

Ethan is completely charming. I mean, look at the picture below! It’s like he knows exactly when to smile, and laugh, and smirk, and even grunt – especially when some woman is admiring him. I have a feeling I’m in for trouble. But when he’s not being completely adorable or trying to throw himself down the stairs (if he’s in Emry’s room which is right at the top of the stairs, he goes straight for them so a gate of some sort is in our near future), he is growing and changing so much. He’s everywhere! He hates to be left alone, he has this squint-smile thing he does that I laugh at every time I see it and all he wants to do is stand. Just yesterday, he said, “Mama!” Even Emry heard him. She declared, “Biffen said Mama!” and then added, “Biffen, say ‘Emmy’.”

Now Emry…she has learned that if she doesn’t want Ethan to have something, it needs to be put out of his reach. Which mean, she throws it into the half-bath downstairs and shuts the door. The problem with this is she puts everything in there she has simply decided he should have (including his toys). This room has also become in her own private area. The other night, I thought she was in there playing with and talking to her stuffed panda because she takes him in there, tucks him in blankets on the toilet and shuts the door, telling him to have a nice nap. However, I then realized panda was on the table. So, I opened the door and peeked in. She was standing in there, her Bible storybook open on the stool, reading the stories to herself aloud.

Yes, yes. I was delighted… and not a little bit proud.

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