Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What is a Woman?

Don’t be fooled by the title into thinking I’m going to go into some deep, thoughtful, even theological discussion on woman’s creation, God’s purpose for a woman, women in the 21st Century and – in the end – how mixed up we all are. But even in Christiandom, this question is discussed to a pulp with seemingly very little concrete conclusion.

If you follow the news at all (which I barely do except for headlines on my phone), we all know how many women are rising up and declaring #METOO (or something like that, I get confused with this whole pound sign that’s now called a hashtag). It’s starting to seem like if you have anything resembling the biology of a woman, you have probably been sexually harassed. And, as such, you should stand up and shout it to the whole world. But just in case you’re afraid of not being heard, be sure you accuse someone famous of having done it. It can be political, Hollywood or sports. And you could have just passed him in the airport, but if he looked at you the wrong way then, please, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and, in general, scream it to the whole world. Because, apparently, the whole world cares.

Now, I’m not saying some of these women haven’t been sincerely sexually harassed. Nor am I saying that some of these men aren’t complete jerks. However, no one has pointed out that a majority of these women (especially actresses) are only half dressed to start with and are practically falling out the half-dress they have on. I know our world doesn’t see it this way, but they might as well scream, “Please, sexually harass me!!!!” The rest of the women? Well, if he’s male, white and Republican it’s open season.

But the truth is, our world is so confused not only about womanhood but also about manhood it’s no wonder these things happen. Last week I had great cause to celebrate. The Friday before Ethan was born (my last day at work), I accomplished the huge task of sending a volume of documentation to the Women’s Business Enterprise to get the company I work for certified as a women-owned business (which means 51% is owned by women). It was a massive amount of information and work, and that was only initially. They came back three times for more information or something we needed to change to actually be “women owned”. Then there was the interview, which they make sound like the Spanish Inquisition but really isn’t. Finally, ten months later, the certificate is in our hands. Hooray! A huge project accomplished.

Now, in all honesty, by the time it was all said and done I was yet again ashamed of being called a woman. Because the certificate is really all about empowering women and everything else our world preaches (blah, blah, blah). Besides the fact that the whole purpose for the certification is so our company can be considered a “minority” and so (hopefully) gain more contracts. And that is where the rubber meets the road.

Women all over America are screaming at the top of their lungs that they are just as good as men (if not better), should be paid just as much as men (if not more) and can do anything any man can do (plus everything they can’t). And yet…

A women-owned business is considered a minority  (and we’re proud of that). In Pennsylvania, with such a certificate, we can then apply to have a Disadvantaged Business certificate which gives us a foot in the door for state  and city contracts (although after this week and a city lawsuit ending up in my inbox, I’m not sure why we’re the least interested).  Please note the word disadvantaged (which is defined, on the website, as socially and economically disadvantaged).  Apparently, we’re also proud of that.

So…on the one hand, I’m supposed to stand up for my rights, privileges and freedoms as a woman. In fact, I should make myself downright obnoxious about my sex. On the other hand, I am a minority and disadvantaged. In fact, I should be quite proud of that fact and use it to achieve whatever my sinful little heart could desire.

Mmh…are you as confused as I am?

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