Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Avid Reader

avid: showing great enthusiasm for or interest in

This past week a friend e-mailed me and asked how in I managed to get through a book 960 pages long plus many other books in one year. Where did I find the time? I guess the answer to that is twofold: 1) you always find time to do what you love, and 2) nursing a baby means you are required to sit down for quite a bit of time every day, especially in the first few months. Perfect time to read!

Yes, I guess I am considered an avid reader. My husband is continually astounded at how fast I fly through books, but he’s the guy that might get one book read this year and that’s Star Wars Made Simple for kids. I don’t think much of it. Honestly, I wish I had more time to read because the lists of books I have on my “Want to Read” list are already more in number than I have years to live. But I’m working on it.

I became an avid reader in about 3rd grade. The truth is, I started reading a series of a books because the “popular” girl in my class was reading them and I was forever trying to stay in her good graces. It didn’t help on that score, but after that I was always in the midst of some book. As a teenager as soon as my schoolwork was done, I was in my room either writing a book or reading a book. I spent whole Saturdays doing nothing but reading. Ahh…those were the days.

Of course I want to pass on my love of reading to my kids. Some days I think Ethan is a hopeless case. Granted, I don’t read to him as much as I did Emry. I don’t have as much time. But, then, he simply doesn’t sit still like Emry. He might last one board book before he’s climbing all over me or attempting to eat the book. But we do try.

Now Emry…well, lately I can barely get her out of bed and down to breakfast for she’s sitting in her bed, a pile of books next to her and ALL of them must be “read” before she’ll get out of bed. At naptime, she reads. If she had a light in her room, she would probably read before bed, too. Now she carries books around with her. Beatrix Potter was right: little hands want little books. I got her The Tailor of Gloucester by Beatrix Potter at the library this past week. Now, it goes everywhere with us: the store, whatever room we’re playing in, any car ride and even the walk we took tonight. We’re walking down the hill and I’m pointing out Christmas lights. Emry? She’s got her little book open, “reading” aloud as she goes.

Maybe I’ve created a monster. No. I’ve just created another avid reader!

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