Friday, December 18, 2020

What Kids Think Of!

It’s been at least two years since Emry and Ethan were in the finished part of our duplex in Rochester happily playing. It was one of those days when it got a little too quiet down those stairs…one of those moments when you hate to disturb their playing but also know you should check on them. So I made my way quietly down the steps and found baby powder…EVERYWHERE!!!!!


Somehow Emry had managed to reach the baby powder in the top drawer of Ethan’s changing table. And somehow she had figured out how to turn the top so it opened. From that point, it was quite easy to figure out how powder got over every surface of that room – and the two of them. What a cleaning job that was!


Well, yesterday I had a morning webinar for work. Thankfully most webinars I have felt inclined to sit in on have been in the afternoon, but this one started at ten in the morning. It worked out, though, that it was grocery shopping day. Emry went with Grandma to do her shopping and I provided Ed with a  thorough list so he could take Ethan to the store and leave me in the relative silence of only Ellyson. And since it was a webinar I only needed to listen to and not necessarily take notes (although I had a pen and pad ready should they be needed), I was able to login on my phone and have it nearby as I fed Ellyson her morning yogurt, gave her some toys to play with, and even folded the laundry. A little over an hour into this two-and-a-half hour webinar, Ed and Ethan arrived home from the first store. Ethan didn’t care to go out again, but that was okay. I figured I could manage for another hour, so Ed went by himself. I put Ellyson in her crib and Ethan joined her to play. Between the webinar and starting preparations for lunch, I hardly realized that it was rather quiet in the bedroom. So, I peaked inside and found this:


Yes, you are seeing that correctly. Ellyson is tattooed all over with blue and red marker – courtesy of her older brother who apparently has aspirations of being a tattoo artist. And while I don’t claim to be a very wise mother, I do purchase only washable markers. So, while Ellyson may be scarred for life, at least she won’t be tattooed.

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