Friday, June 5, 2009

I have never had two housesitting jobs the same, even if I return to the same house. I’ve experienced the electricity shorting out without a flashlight to be found in the entire house. Once a close bolt of lightning knocked out the garage door mechanism, the phones, and the internet connection. I’ve cared for both dachshunds and blood hounds, young dogs and old. This time I have survived marble-sized hail and five kittens.

In some ways these five little rascals are normal every day kittens. In other ways, they are not. For they are being brought up in a very organic home. Which means no canned cat food. Their diet is raw meat and fresh milk. Easy enough when everything is left in the freezer, but I don’t think they would care what they eat as long as they’re fed. On the normal side, the little things are frisky, and cute, and playful. They live in the detached garage which is protected by wire mesh so they can’t get out. Well, that’s the idea anyhow. After Grace and I spent several hours wondering if we would ever get one escapee out from under the back concrete steps, we closed off the doorway they typically flee through. But now two of them have learned to climb the taller wire meshing and jump out. When I came back from my morning jog one was playing in the bushes. The other one – still traumatized by our chasing him out from under the steps – quickly climbed back up the wire and into the garage the moment I approached.

Isn’t it funny how each kitten has its own personality? One is little, small, and runs when you come near. Another is very bold and comes right up to you. A third is shy but so curious he gets stuck under concrete steps. A fourth is content whatever his lot. The fifth one is the most personable. He’s playful, energetic and not shy, but nor is he an aggressive bully. Grace thinks we should take him home. Her dog would love a pet of his own (although we now have two bunnies). But, somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen. The two cats we have are more than enough.

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