The grave of my great-great grandparents Joseph and Mary Sturm. (Their son’s name is here, but he is not buried with them.)
The grave of my great-grandparents Joseph and Ruth Sturm. (It’s a little hard to see the beautiful details of this marker, but my great-grandfather designed and carved all but his own date before he died.)
The graves of my grandmother and aunt Mary Louise, who died when she was six months old.
The first house my grandparents lived in after they were married. My dad and one of his sisters were born here. They lived in the downstairs front left.
The inside of Basilica of St. Josaphat where my grandparents were married.
One of the two infamous Milwaukee custard places we had to try. (It was good, but it doesn’t come close to NH ice cream!)
The family who gathered for the burial service including us, two of my aunts, my grandfather, my grandmother’s oldest living sister (Aunt Julie who is 92 and going strong), both her sons, and two of the sons of her eldest son.
“The gang” overlooking Lake Michigan.
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