Thursday, October 7, 2010

How strong is faith? Strong enough to be sent away from the one you love? To be given a small child to care for? To become someone you are not? To trust the one you love to do what is best for you even if you cannot understand?

Ruth Livingston’s faith has endured much. Her father’s ministry in New York City is difficult and now he has been falsely accused of a horrendous crime. For her protection; he sends her away, gives her an identity far from her own, and places in her care a young child. He promises to send for her as soon as he is acquitted yet when that day comes, tragedy follows.

Now Ruth must stand alone, keep the secrets entrusted to her, and hope no one will discover who she really is. But that becomes harder and harder to do with newspapermen searching for her. And who is the young man that lives along the river? Can she trust him? Or is he also trying to discover her secrets?

It is hard for us to understand the trials our loving God sends us, but how would our faith grow without them?

This book was provided by Bethany House Publishers for review purposes.

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