Thursday, October 28, 2010

And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?

"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,
nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and chastises every son whom he receives." Hebrews 12:5-6 (ESV)

I read this verse the other night in my devotions and it has stuck with me over the past several days. Perhaps because moments of my life contain really stupid episodes...after which I wish God would just reach down from Heaven with a big paddle and whack me one. I would feel much better!

The KJV of this verse reads instead of discipline "chastisement". And the Lord does chastise those He loves. He does it for our own good, just as our loving parents spanked us when we were kids for doing things we should not. I am glad of His chastisement - I am also glad of His discipline.

We often think chastisement and discipline are the same. They go hand in hand, but they are not the same. Chastisement is used to teach us discipline. And that discipline should then keep us from further chastisement. For when my parents spanked, or punished me in other ways, for wrongdoing in my childhood it was so I might live a good and orderly life when I was grown and no longer under their personal care. The chastisement was so I might have discipline.

Which is why doing stupid things as an adult makes me want to bang my head against a wall. "Melissa, you know better than this!" I scold myself after an angry outburst, a pity-party, a cruel thought. "Your parents taught you better." And they have. I will be forever grateful to my parents for the time, energy and love they put into raising me in the way of righteousness. I just wish I didn't fall so short.

It is the same way with my God. I have been reading over all the blogs I ever posted - five years of my life on paper. And it is amazing the twists and turns I've been through, the lessons God has taught me, and the trials I have - and have yet to - overcome. As I look back even further than that, I see my God's disciplining hand forever on me. It is usually in the form of, "No, Melissa, not that way. This way." Sometimes I feel like I've missed out on so many experiences other people have, but then I am grateful the avoid things that won't do me any good anyhow. God's hand pushing, prodding and sometimes just grabbing me by the collar. Forever setting my feet on the straight and narrow. So that I might walk in the way of righteousness.

Discipline is good. It include character, and integrity, and doing right not just for yourself but for others. It isn't easy. Sometimes its downright exhausting. But it is a reminder of being truly loved. Of being a child of the King.

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