Monday, November 1, 2010

Texas Thankfulness #6

So, yes, Texas has been difficult in a lot of ways. I knew it would be...and so the decision to come wasn't easy, either. But it was made easier by one thing:

Grandpa. I only have one. Well, that's not true really, but I never knew my maternal grandfather who died before I was born. So, Grandpa is it. And I couldn't ask for a better one.

It's funny, but as a little girl your grandfather is just "Grandpa". The little man who makes gingerbread houses with you at Christmas, and sits in his chair with his little dogs, and eats gummy bears. But then you grow up and realize Grandpa was once young. He had a job. And he sure does look like Dad!

Most importantly, Grandpa loves me and wants to help me in my life. So, he let me move in with him when I moved down. I helped him keep up his house, made huge messes in his kitchen as I filled his freezer with all kinds of things to eat, and even helped him plant flowers (even though he knows I can't stand gardening). We'd watch movies together, and chat some evenings, and exchange news about other family members. I got to know my grandfather in ways I never had, and I am so glad for those days in his house.

I am very blessed to have a wonderful grandfather who is interested in my life and his other grandkids, who let me live with him for fourteen months and who I know will be there if I ever need him. He makes Texas just a little bit better.

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