Monday, November 22, 2010

Texas Thankfulness #9

I debated about doing yet another blog on things I am thankful about in Texas, as this week is Thanksgiving and there truly is so much to be thankful for both where I reside at present and wherever my paths shall lead. But last night was the Thanksgiving service at church, and I was reminded of one more thing Texas has given me, especially over the past month…

Change. Okay, so I’ll be honest. I am never 100% happy with changes in my life. I find comfort in routine and schedules. Especially after I have been in Texas for fifteen months and have my weekly schedule etched in stone. But last night one of the deacons stood up and said, “I am thankful for growth. Godly growth. I’m not the man I was a year ago. Or two years ago. God has changed me. He’s taught me more of Himself. And even though it isn’t always easy, it’s good.”

And it is. The changes I’ve suffered since my move down here haven’t been easy. Some came naturally. Others I fought until they became a part of my life. Many days (especially when I could enjoy a dip in a cool pool in late November), I want to go back where I came from. But like the man above, the changes have given me growth. I am still far from who I want to be as God’s child, but I can see advances.

Some change comes slowly. You just wake up one morning and realize, “When did I start doing this? Or thinking that?” It just happened, and God be praised for His gentleness towards us. But other times, change hits you upside the head. Even though you might have a suspicion that it’s in the air, when it happens you don’t what to do…or say…or think. And even though it can be completely terrifying, there is a peace in the midst of it. God is working. Who knows how…or why…or where it’s going, but there is always much to be learned. I just pray I will learn, trust my God, and let whatever happens happen…and hope it doesn’t hurt too much.

Over the past several years, God has reiterated to me over and over that He never changes. My life changes. And I wouldn’t wish a lot of those changes on my worst enemy. They hurt then – they ache now. But I wouldn’t exchange them for the lessons God has taught me – and continues to teach me – through them. And with a history like that, there is no reason to fear the changes of today – or the surprises of tomorrow.

I am so thankful that God never leaves me where I am. He pushes me to grow. He makes me more like Himself. And if I learn nothing else from the changes of today, I pray I will learn to love Him more.

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