Friday, July 20, 2012

Hot and Miserable

This weekend I've heard that temperatures will sore as high as 109. I'd bet my life savings it will be warmer than that. I got into a rental car to return it today and the temperature gauge read 112...but not to worry, it was down to 108 by the time I dropped it off. As if Texas isn't always miserable, the next few days are going to be AWFUL. That's why I'm not planning on doing anything.

Perhaps it's also why my blog of late seems to focus on books and movies. Because when it's so hot outside you're too exhausted to move or think, those are the two things I do. I even stayed up late the other night to finish a mystery that was simply too good to put down. I did try. I put it down, turned off my lights and laid there telling myself I had only two chapters left, it wouldn't take that long, I'd still force myself to get up in five hours to run... I couldn't resist. On went the lights, out came the book - and I did still woke up at five to go running. But I went to bed last night at nine and didn't run this morning.

Haley told me this week of a discussion on Facebook about your favorite black and white movie. That made me think. Lots came to mind: The Thin Man, Holiday, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, You Can't Take it with You... There are a lot of good black and whites. But I guess my favorite is It Started with Eve. In fact, it's been a long time since I've seen it. Maybe this weekend will be a good time to correct that.

I've been writing this week - if you count rewriting chapter two two times. And I still don't like it. Fell asleep thinking about it last night, so it will get it's third re-write tomorrow (hopefully). Then I'm going to stop and move on. It's already been beaten within an inch of it's life. I'll limp on to chapter three.

Yes, I'm going to see Batman tonight. Meeting up with Haley and two boys I used to babysit. Of course, they're both college graduates now (one with a Master's). Makes me wonder exactly how old that makes me... And then I'm in the middle of another mystery that finally got good last night. I'll try not to stay up too late tonight, though. I have tennis in the morning, before it reaches 109. You know, when it's only 90 out. Nothing like a Texas cold front.

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