Friday, October 12, 2012


Several people have asked if I'm still working on my dollhouse. The answer is yes, but the process is slow. That's simply because everything I have to do on it has to be purchased before I can do it...and let me just tell you how expensive that's going to be! But I've got a lamp to put in as soon as I sit down to give it my undivided attention (otherwise, it's far too easy to cut a cord). And I am working on the floors of the kitchen and library. Those floors are much bigger than my naked eye thinks! I thought I had enough flooring...but I'm going to have to purchase more. The kitchen is only half done. As you can see from the picture, all if have left of the library is the edges:

Then it will need to be finished with some polyurethane. I like doing floors! Pieces put in geometrically, making all kinds of patterns depending on which way you turn them. I could do floors all day long.

Doing floors got me to thinking about my options and how I want to do the other floors. One night this week I started thinking about the living room. I thought about a piece of furniture I might like but then told myself, "Well, maybe not. After all, when they move that piece will be awful to move and might not fit in their next living room."

As if my dollhouse family is going to move from house to house every two years...

As if you always purchase furniture that will move easy and not get destroyed by movers...

As if furniture is purchased solely on its ability to work in just about any house...

You don't think I've moved too often, do you?

Guess I'm going to need to build another dollhouse...or two or three. And keep one with me, one at my parents' house and maybe one at my sister's. That way when my dollhouse family needs to move in two years, they will have somewhere to go. I wonder if there are dollhouse size moving boxes?

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