Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Twenty Minutes

Twenty minutes can be a long span of time...or a short span of time. It depends on what you're doing. If I'm reading a really good book and have only twenty minutes to sit down and enjoy it, it's a very short period of time. But if I decide to jump rope for twenty minutes straight, well, it's amazing how long that can be.

Somedays I can wash a small load of laundry in twenty minutes. Other days the washer doesn't want to cooperate and the paint can doesn't weigh enough so twenty minutes doesn't cut it (unless you have a good book to read and want to sit on top of the washer). Other days I could weed-eat the entire inside of the fence in twenty minutes. But some days it takes me twenty minutes of attempting to start the stupid weed-eater before I give up and stomp away from twenty wasted minutes.

There are evenings where it takes me twenty minutes to make myself dinner. But most evenings it only takes five. (A salad isn't that complicated - oatmeal even less.) If I'm missing a penny as I balance my checkboook, it could take twenty minutes to find it. If everything balances, I can have it done in three.

Yesterday I ran 2.2 miles in twenty minutes. Then I went to the post office and moved ten feet in twenty minutes.

I should have brought a good book to read...

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