Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Being Profitable

I think most people would say I don't have any such thing as a non-profitable day in my life right now. Running about like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to check things off of about three different lists while adding to two others, attempting to remember this while trying to tell myself that does not have to be done before we move...yeah, it's pretty safe to say that every day is full.

But just because one fills one's time does not mean one is profitable. Recently I realized that I spend at least 20 hours a week working as an office manager. About half of that is at home. And I wondered, what am I going to do to fill that time once we're moved? That's really a lot of time well spent. And if Ive managed to squirrel that away in the midst of everything else (even moving these past weeks), then I don't want to start our "new" life wasting it away. I need to find some profitable things to do.

So, I started thinking about it. I've got scrapbooking that has completely fallen by the wayside since Ethan was born and Emry reached an age when she wants to "help". Except for this blog (that I am way behind on), I haven't written two words together except cards and work related stuff since, well, Ethan was born. I could write again!!!! Not to mention, I could have a more devoted school time with Emry, there is Ethan to get potty trained (which is going to happen whether I thing I have time for it or not) and my house could always use a little bit more spit-and-polish.

I mean, the truth is, it is amazing what one can accomplish in a short amount of time if one simply focuses on it. Today, a friend from church took my kids which allowed me five hours of packing. So, I packed nearly everything in the house. Everything except Ed's stuff, a few toys, the clothes and the kitchen. And I could have packed most of that, but it's very hard to determine what one still needs in the kitchen and what one doesn't need for the next two weeks. It was a great day...and I'm still running on adrenaline.

But while I've been wondering how I can redeem those 20 hours I will now have to spare, the Lord decided to fill them. At work, we have been looking for a new office manager. Someone to take over what I do, plus allow the job to grow. And I had several dozen resumes to read through, a couple of interviews and finally a second interview with the shareholders. An interview that was eye opening all around and led to, well...not a new office manager. Instead, it will be a new laptop...and a new printer/scanner...and a new whatever I want. So that I can work remotely and fill those 20 hours profitably.

I'm a little amazed. And grateful the Lord has worked it out this way because it will help with the transition as we watch the Lord fill in the spaces that don't quite line up. Something that God is forever faithful in.

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