Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Two Little Skeletons

Maybe I should start this blog with a disclaimer. As a family, we don’t “celebrate” Halloween. The idea of “celebrating” death and very terrifying things is not a thing to be encouraged. For those who do not have Christ as their Savior, death should be a truly terrifying thing. Eternity in hell apart from God is the most horrific thing that can happen to a soul. To celebrate that idea is anathema. The terribleness of it ought, instead, lead one to the hope that is in Christ.

However, we have decided to enjoy dressing up and trick-or-treating. The kids truly enjoy it, it’s a way to see neighbors we never, ever see and it’s a nice family time for us. At first, Emry wanted to dress up like a flower. It was going to take every tiny creative bone in my body to get that costume to become a reality, but we could do it. Then she started seeing Halloween things in stores, décor that includes skeletons. For months, Emry has been fascinated with the skeletal system. If we find a book on it, she will sit and look at it for a very long time, asking me (who hated science) what this bone, and that bone, and the other bone is. (Thank goodness children’s books are well labeled!) So, a few weeks ago, she decided that she would much rather be a skeleton. And since Ethan already had a pair of skeleton pajamas from one of his cousins, I thought why not. There is absolutely nothing innately wrong with a God-created skeleton. We just had several discussions on the truth about the skeletons God has given each of us. 

Emry loved being a skeleton! Ethan loved dressing like his sister. They both enjoyed an evening out, seeing lots of other people and who doesn’t like candy? Emry was very good and very polite. And in no time, even Ethan was singing out, “Trick-or-treat!” followed by “Thank you!” All in all, a very good evening. (And a much needed break in the midst of packing boxes!)

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