Monday, October 8, 2018


If you live outside the region of Pittsburgh, you probably have no idea what Kennywood is. (Although the people in Pittsburgh think everyone in the world knows Kennywood…take it from a non-Pittsburgher, it’s okay if you don’t.) In a nutshell, Kennywood is an amusement park. And, that’s about the gist of it.

I can’t say I’m an amusement park fan. They’re fun, but anything that spins too fast makes me sick and I always come home with a pounding headache. Ed, on the other hand, is a die-hard Kennywood fan. I think because it was a part of his life: school picnics, summer days, parties, watching it change and yet stay the same. I would have to say most Pittsburghers think of Kennywood that way. So, if you’re not from Pittsburgh and have been to, say, Cedarville; don’t try to compare. You won’t get anywhere. To a Pittsburgher, Kennywood is the best amusement park to ever grace the United States of America. 

Now, unlike most Pittsburghers, I have actually read a book on Kennywood. So, while I don’t view it through rose colored glasses, I do know more of it’s history than most of it’s ardent admirers. It’s rather interesting to think of an amusement park as having history, but Kennywood is 110 years old. And it has seen a lot of changes. To me, the most interesting one is the dress code. I can’t imagine spending a day at an amusement park wearing a long, Victorian dress. Let alone dressing my children in beautiful summer white. Ethan couldn’t even keep his play clothes clean!

But, we had free tickets, so we took the kids yesterday after church for it’s children’s fall festival event. Emry could ride everything in kiddie land and some of the other rides that were open. Ethan could ride a couple of things. My kids have amazing poker faces, but I think they had fun. Ed go to ride a rollercoaster as the only person on the whole train. And we had the infamous French fries and cheese. I came home with not only a headache but complete exhaustion that caused my whole body to hurt so I was out cold before 8:30 last night. Still, it was fun to share one of Ed’s favorite places in Pittsburgh with our kids.

Ed – the lone passenger on the Jack Rabbit

Emry on the swing ride.

Ethan “driving” a helicopter.

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