Monday, December 16, 2019

My Three Kids

At their ages, very few days go by without one of them learning or doing something “new”. Whether it’s Ethan taking Ed literally (like when he said the cookies were “up there” referring to a table at the front of the gym at church, causing Ethan to look up at the ceiling and shake his head saying, “there aren’t any cookies up there”) to Emry deciding to brush and put up her own hair…right as we needed to walk out the door to go somewhere, of course. Never a dull moment.

Emry’s new things aren’t by leaps and bounds. I see her reading progressing, common words becoming familiar, frequent math problems easier to answer. Even her handwriting is becoming neater, although she often has a mind of her own when it comes to how letters should be written. Her imagination is forever growing. It’s fun to catch her playing with her toys, listening to whatever world she’s in. Or what games she is creating…and then telling Ethan exactly how to play them.

Lately Ethan has discovered coloring.  And finally shown which of his hands is more dominant. Although, if his right hand gets tired, he switches the color to his left hand and uses that one for a while. He’ll sit for at least half of Emry’s school time and color away in the few small coloring books he has, as content as can be. Already you can see his motor skills improving as he stays within the lines. Sometimes the pictures even have several colors instead of only blue.

Even number three seems to make his or her will known. When pregnant with the other two, I never had any particular aversions or cravings for this or that food. With this one, I don’t have any cravings, but I certainly have aversions. Spicy food is out. I don’t even want chips and salsa. And sugar makes me sick. Which is terrible during a time of year when I bake some of my favorite cookies but can only manage to eat a tiny piece at a time, eventually devouring a whole one over the course of a week. On the other hand, it does mean I haven’t gained any weight ,which is a surprise since I am very aware that I am showing. Instead, I live on bagels and cream cheese with fruit on top. It’s the only thing that never makes me sick and keeps the nausea at bay.

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