Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Getting Ready

We’re a bit early this year. Especially since Navy doesn’t play Army until this weekend. (An event of the year Ed simply cannot get into or understand how important it is.) But since Ed will likely be working every weekend until the week of Christmas, it was the only time we had. So, off we went to get a Christmas tree.

The kids were quite excited. Ethan especially. He was jumping up and down. The tree! The lights! The ornaments! The train! It was the event of the year as far as he was concerned, and I was lucky to get him down for a nap before we did the decorating. Emry was a bit more subdued, but how delighted she was about each ornament! If only she was a bit taller. Ed and I had to go back later and re-arrange our bottom heavy tree…

I’m a little behind on other decorating. I’m forever at a loss of where to put the stockings which are currently piled on top of the box containing my Christmas village I just haven’t had the energy to get put up. I usually love doing it, but being sick so often and always exhausted takes a toll on my creativity. I still have Christmas shopping to do, baking and just daily life to spread out as energy allows. Hopefully this week…hopefully!

Meanwhile, the house looks and feels festive, special Christmas toys strewn through my living room, the tree lights on as soon as they wake up in the morning and Ed’s train going as soon as he arrives home from work. The only question Ethan has is: where are the presents? Well, if I get my shopping done maybe I’ll actually get them wrapped before Christmas morning…or, at least, tagged!

Ethan as Santa…

…and Emry as Santa.

Decorating the tree!

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