Friday, September 30, 2011

This Week...

Well, this week has been rather busy. At work, I mean. Not like a zoo - just steady. At least until 4 in the afternoon when the dams break and everybody wants everything at once within the last hour of the work day. Somehow it all gets done. But once the adrenalin stops, I crash. Good thing I haven't had much to do in the evenings!

Which, yes, means I haven't gotten a great deal done on my dollhouse. Two rooms are totally papered. One has a wall left. Another has one wall cut out. Tonight's goal is to finish the third floor papering. I'm still trying to work out the inside woodwork which will cover the rough edges around the windows and the gaps between the walls and floors or ceilings. I don't mean I don't know where things are going to go. I'm just wondering do I stain all the woodwork the same or should it match the floors in each room? It's not a great wonder I didn't go into interior design...

The library - this room will have wainscoting up to the window. Of course in my real house, I could skip the walls in the library and just put in shelves...

The master bedroom - I was delighted to get wallpaper with lilacs on it! Now I will find some fake ones to put in a vase in the room.

The bathroom - cut the 3rd wall wrong, but there was plenty of paper so it will go in later.

I had to laugh this week when I was at a park with a friend and we were watching the kids play on the playground. We talked about our own memories of play days, and the equipment we use to play on and if we made friends in the sandbox or kept to ourselves. There were two boys about six years old climbing all over the equipment. One finally turned to the other and said, "Stop calling me 'dude'! You know who I am!" It's been a while since I laughed like that!

Thinking this week, as usual, about my life and where God has me. I know I'm not alone in fighting God. He gives us something and it's great. But when it just goes on and on with little change, I'm left wondering if this is really what I'm supposed to be doing. I mean, surely I could do something much more fulfilling. Less paper pushing, mindless numbers, sweltering heat - all those things that make up my daily life. More creativity, imagination, autumn that is actually arriving - all those things I think I'd like. And a lot less conflict - not outwardly but within myself. Of course my Heavenly Father knows all about my struggles, so much so both sermons on Sunday felt like they were not just pointing at me but poking. A reminder that life has struggles, and we're not supposed to seek the nearest exit. Trials are to be endured, knowing our God will see me through them. In fact, it would be a shame on me and my God if I simply jumped ship. And it's probably not a bad indication I'm exactly where God wants me to be if I am battling. Because I know the enemy. And he doesn't want success in my life or glory to my God. Well, he's out of luck. I've made my choice. And, by God's grace, I'm sticking to it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Life MUST have Kids

One thing I learned not long after moving to Texas: life without kids is for the birds.

I don't understand these people who don't like kids. They don't want kids. They think they're expensive, and nuisances, and take up too much time. Well, so do cars, but I don't see anyone snubbing them. Yes, children are expensive. Yes, they can be nuisances. And, of course, they take up time. Everything in life does, right?

Personally, I can't stand the adult world I entered upon my move to Texas. Adults have too many issues, too many cares, too many expenses and too many excuses for running around in circles and getting nothing done. I can't help the fact that I grew up. Nor can I push aside the fact that being an adult means responsibilities, and expenses, and - yes - issues. But there has got to be some oasis in this world for a bit of guileless, sincere fun when your only worry is the scratch you just got but you'll forget in five seconds.

I haven't any great hopes of having a dozen kids of my own. After all, in God's perfect timing, I'm a little late on joining that band-wagon. But I will take as many as God will give me some day, even if by several sets of twins I could still reach a dozen. (Mom will be happy to come and help, I'm sure!) But as that doesn't seem to be in the immediate future, I am very grateful to enjoy four kids once a week for one whole hour. Sure, they're expensive (gas in the car, craft materials, etc.), and they're nuisances (no, I do not want to hear about your latest invention while I'm trying to tell you the story of Elijah), and they're time consuming (it's a half hour from work to church and then 45 minutes back home - late night!). But they are worth every penny, every interruption, and every minute. I just pray they are as blessed on Wednesday evenings as I am.

The girls - Kate and Ashley.

The boys - Frankie and Matt (who are cousins).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Will. I Will. I Will.

On Saturday I talked to my dear friend Allyson in New Hampshire, catching up on almost a month worth of news. She's back to being a homeschool mom (not that she wasn't over the summer as they studied marine biology, but the school year has officially started). This year Violet joins Caleb as a student. Little Laurel has adjusted to her new fall schedule very well. Silas just had a birthday, and Seth...well, there is ever something to say about Seth.

A few weeks ago, Seth got to try markers for the first time. At first, he did a very good job, but as soon as Allyson went into another room... Well, the markers were taken away and Kevin had a little talk with Seth about responsibility, and privileges, and earning trust. A talk we all know if we had wise and loving parents.

A week later, Kevin and Allyson agreed to try Seth with the markers once more. Again, Seth did very well...until Allyson stepped out of the room. The markers were again taken away and a little talk was given.

Hoping, as we all do, that the children under our care learn from their mistakes; Kevin and Allyson decided to give Seth markers one last time. For a while, he did very well. Allyson went into the living room to check on another of her children. When she returned, Seth had marker on himself, the table and the chair.

"Seth, what happened?" Allyson asked, as if she didn't know the answer for herself.

Seth looked up at her and burst into tears. "I'm sorry, Momma. I'm sorry, Momma. I'll earn your trust. I will, Momma. I'll earn your trust!"

The conclusion? Seth was given coloring pencils and told he could not have markers again until he is older. (And so he has asked almost every day for the last week if he is older yet!)

Of course, I was laughing at this story as Allyson told it. Of her five children, it would be Seth. But in the back of my mind, I was wondering: Are we like this with God? He gives us something. We blow it. He gently teaches us a lesson. We wait. We receive again. And blow it. How often have I messed up and cried, "I'm sorry, Lord, I'm sorry! I will earn Your trust. I will. I will."? But usually I need my markers taken away - and I know it.

And isn't it just like God to give me coloring pencils instead?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I haven't taught her very much, but at least I managed the eating ice cream...

Happy 29th Birthday, Katey!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax - of cabbages and kings...

Sometimes I would like to talk about least I prefer that subject over cars. Because when I wear out my shoes, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy another pair. But when one wears out their car...well, that's another story.

Suffice to say I took my car to the shop for its inspection this week and came out with everything but the inspection sticker. (Okay, okay, that's a little tires are the same.) I really didn't get the inspection sticker. I guess you can't get it inspected for two days if they replace the battery (which they did). Granted, the car needed work and I knew it. But exactly how do you get a car to the shop when you're single, you work all day, and mechanics take Saturdays off, too? Oh, the dilemmas of being single!

Don't have much to say on the subject of ships. Without any rain, there's no water in Texas to sail on anyway. And while we're on the subject, there are no cabbages either. Because things don't grow when it doesn't rain. One of the aides at work just got back from her home state of Connecticut and shared beautiful pictures of green grass, and green leaves, and pine trees. She said she went out at six o'clock one morning and took pictures in her pajamas and bare feet, causing the neighbors a bit of consternation. But I would so do the same thing! Green grass is well worth admittance to an insane asylum.

Of course we don't use sealing wax anymore. My housemate and I don't need it. We saw each other once this entire week thus far but with a Scrapbooking retreat going on up at the house all weekend, there were things we needed to talk about. So our white board was covered with notes from me to her and back again, lines drawn to show which note answered the one before it. Who needs text messaging?

On the subject of kings, my friend Jenny called in a favor last night. I knew before she asked what it was going to be and wanted to bang my head against a wall. But I try to be a good, I gave her a ride to the Denton County Republican Party meeting. Now I consider myself a good Republican and a good citizen, but I can't stand rooms full of politicians. I get the sneaky suspicion that every one of them is lying - even if they are Republicans. Thankfully, the state senator from our district was very personable and a good speaker. She even commented that, yes, illegals shouldn't be getting ANYTHING! (Except, in my opinion, a one-way ticket back where they came from.) But I wanted to hit a local state rep for wandering around, smiling, and being friendly as if she didn't stab her constituents in the back nine months ago (which she did and knew it). I gladly pledged the American flag, but I did not pledge the Texas one. (Don't know the pledge and wouldn't say it even if I did.) And I think I came to the conclusion that everyone there is going to vote for Perry for one reason and one reason alone: he's from Texas.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

God's Blessings

Have you ever set back and asked God why in the world He blesses you? I have. Lots of times...and probably not as often as I should. For I certainly have many blessings from my gracious Heavenly Father that I take for granted every single day. Like good health, and a roof over my head, and a good job, and a/c for these ridiculously hot Texas days. But it seems God ever has to bless me extra-specially for me to realize all the wonderful things He has given me.

Yesterday I received a surprise gift in the mail. Totally unexpected from a source I would have never imagined. On Sunday, I got to make paper airplanes with two kids at church who thought I was pretty cool on account of that. This morning when our nurses had a meeting, the on-call nurse brought in her adorable 9-month old and I got to play with little Shasta for a while. (Funny how even the exhausting game of pick-up is fun when you haven't done it in forever!) I made a little extra money this week doing nothing but typing up five hand-written pages which took me all of a half hour. A friend of mine had her fifth child several days ago. And the other office manager treated me to Starbucks. So even though Monday was a bit chaotic, it's shaping up to be a pretty good week.

"Better than I deserve," a friend of mine often says whenever someone asks, "How you doing?" Which is the right answer any given the day of the week. For it is by the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed every single day. But as God's children, we're extra blessed. Not because of surprise gifts, or little children, or treats at Starbucks. We're extra blessed because we can look out the window and know Who has given us the blue sky, or the green (or brown) grass, and the colorful (even fading) flowers. When we receive extra gifts, we know Who the true Giver is. So we can be double grateful. And why not? For in a lot of ways, we're doubly blessed.

Friday, September 9, 2011

And it continues...

I was told this last weekend by some friends looking at my dollhouse that I was learning a lot. For, apparently, building this dollhouse is very similar to building a real house (which they are doing) - I just don't have to put in insulation. (Praise God!!!!)

But the house is getting there. At least, it's got some color. On the outside. Inside, the ceilings are done. I need to go through and make sure I know absolutely where my electricity is running on the ceilings so I can put in lights later. Soon I will probably start on the wallpaper. I want to do it before I put in the windows because then I can go at the rooms from all angles (well, sort of...).

As you can see outside we have trim. To an extent. You don't have to look carefully to note that not all the vertical trim is in place. This is on account of a porch that has to go in. I want to put it on first and then the trim so I can trim the trim if necessary to fit correctly. But as the porch will be one of the last things I put in place, that trim has been set aside for future use. This weekend's goal is the roof trim. I've just got to figure out what goes where as the notes I had on the back of the pieces have rubbed off quite a bit. But I'll figure it out.

And, yes, there is a window. And, yes, it is a bit crooked. Got to fix that. (Or I have seriously considered leaving it as it adds character just like beautiful New England houses have, although a friend of mine can't look past the work they take to keep up...) There's also some touch up painting that needs to be done, but I'm saving that for last. That way I can get out all the paint at once.

I'm not too much on philosophizing (I get troubled when I do too much of that), but this house is a lot like life. I have trouble seeing big pictures. I get caught up on details. I cannot see the finished project in my head - ever. So every time I make a change to this house, I'm not sure I like it. I have to look at it at different angles and then step away from it completely. When I come back, I see how the change improves it. Then I make another change I'm not sure I like. God does that to me. Especially lately. A change occurs. Not sure I like it. Then I really do. So He changes something again. Ever to His glory. And one day I'll finally arrive. And I'll love it. I'm sure the same goes for my house. I just hope it gets finished before I go to glory!

The tower window...with character?

The left side....

and the right side (kitchen bay window).

The house. Maybe it needs a name...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Remember: God Loves You

When I was a little girl, I used to lie in bed at night and try to imagine what my guardian angel looked like. Now I watch little ones stumble over, barely missing the corner of a table, and think, "Well, their guardian angel is at work!" And sometimes wonder how many bruises guardian angels retain from catching children as they fall out of trees, tumble over on bicycles and squeeze through spaces that look far too small. Perhaps that is what author Sheila Walsh ponders upon, too.

The little guardian angel Gabby is given little Sophie to watch over, a young girl who likes to ride horses, and climb trees, and dare gravity. With colorful pictures and words that will make you smile, Gabby, God's Little Angel will teach children that God gives them special angels to watch over them. Why? Because He loves them.


This book was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review purposes.

Friday, September 2, 2011


Well, as you can see, I have been playing around with my blog. I don't think I'm done either. I need some leaves. For even though it doesn't look like autumn will come to Texas anytime soon, I want to imagine that it might. And maybe seeing fall colors and such on my blog will help. Or not.

Okay, my phone is telling me that it's suppose to be in the 80s on Monday and Tuesday. Not sure I believe my phone (the whole "smartphone" thing can be a joke), but maybe I'll cross my fingers. Not that it will stay that way very long if it does arrive. Watch Wednesday be 110. My dad always use to say we have now entered the "brrr" months. As usual, Texas does it's own thing and ignores what the rest of the country does. (Might want to take that into consideration now that Perry is running for President.)

For myself, it's been a busy week. A couple of deaths, to use both hands to count up admissions. I think we're looking at 7 or 8. Will start tutoring later this afternoon. But most of my to-do list is checked off. And I've got a long weekend. Can't wait!!!!

For those of you keeping up with my dollhouse, here are some pictures. First is the finished work on the clapboards. And then the ceilings of the library and the first floor front hall. The goal for the weekend is to complete the ceilings, which should be easy enough. Then I'll either do some wallpapering or some trim work. Might even put in the window in the tower just to see how that works. All that will come between some time with friends, books getting read, and probably a couple of naps. Yea for long weekends!

Finally - the clapboards are finished!

Library ceiling...

...and front hall ceiling (if you look closely, you can see the back part of the ceiling, too).