Friday, September 16, 2011

Of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax - of cabbages and kings...

Sometimes I would like to talk about least I prefer that subject over cars. Because when I wear out my shoes, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy another pair. But when one wears out their car...well, that's another story.

Suffice to say I took my car to the shop for its inspection this week and came out with everything but the inspection sticker. (Okay, okay, that's a little tires are the same.) I really didn't get the inspection sticker. I guess you can't get it inspected for two days if they replace the battery (which they did). Granted, the car needed work and I knew it. But exactly how do you get a car to the shop when you're single, you work all day, and mechanics take Saturdays off, too? Oh, the dilemmas of being single!

Don't have much to say on the subject of ships. Without any rain, there's no water in Texas to sail on anyway. And while we're on the subject, there are no cabbages either. Because things don't grow when it doesn't rain. One of the aides at work just got back from her home state of Connecticut and shared beautiful pictures of green grass, and green leaves, and pine trees. She said she went out at six o'clock one morning and took pictures in her pajamas and bare feet, causing the neighbors a bit of consternation. But I would so do the same thing! Green grass is well worth admittance to an insane asylum.

Of course we don't use sealing wax anymore. My housemate and I don't need it. We saw each other once this entire week thus far but with a Scrapbooking retreat going on up at the house all weekend, there were things we needed to talk about. So our white board was covered with notes from me to her and back again, lines drawn to show which note answered the one before it. Who needs text messaging?

On the subject of kings, my friend Jenny called in a favor last night. I knew before she asked what it was going to be and wanted to bang my head against a wall. But I try to be a good, I gave her a ride to the Denton County Republican Party meeting. Now I consider myself a good Republican and a good citizen, but I can't stand rooms full of politicians. I get the sneaky suspicion that every one of them is lying - even if they are Republicans. Thankfully, the state senator from our district was very personable and a good speaker. She even commented that, yes, illegals shouldn't be getting ANYTHING! (Except, in my opinion, a one-way ticket back where they came from.) But I wanted to hit a local state rep for wandering around, smiling, and being friendly as if she didn't stab her constituents in the back nine months ago (which she did and knew it). I gladly pledged the American flag, but I did not pledge the Texas one. (Don't know the pledge and wouldn't say it even if I did.) And I think I came to the conclusion that everyone there is going to vote for Perry for one reason and one reason alone: he's from Texas.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I'll be voting for Perry -- just because I've always thought that Ron Paul would be better at being President than anybody else. He's older, yes, but therefore wiser. AND -- he speaks out against issues that I never really hear other politicians speak against. Things that really matter.
