Friday, September 2, 2011


Well, as you can see, I have been playing around with my blog. I don't think I'm done either. I need some leaves. For even though it doesn't look like autumn will come to Texas anytime soon, I want to imagine that it might. And maybe seeing fall colors and such on my blog will help. Or not.

Okay, my phone is telling me that it's suppose to be in the 80s on Monday and Tuesday. Not sure I believe my phone (the whole "smartphone" thing can be a joke), but maybe I'll cross my fingers. Not that it will stay that way very long if it does arrive. Watch Wednesday be 110. My dad always use to say we have now entered the "brrr" months. As usual, Texas does it's own thing and ignores what the rest of the country does. (Might want to take that into consideration now that Perry is running for President.)

For myself, it's been a busy week. A couple of deaths, to use both hands to count up admissions. I think we're looking at 7 or 8. Will start tutoring later this afternoon. But most of my to-do list is checked off. And I've got a long weekend. Can't wait!!!!

For those of you keeping up with my dollhouse, here are some pictures. First is the finished work on the clapboards. And then the ceilings of the library and the first floor front hall. The goal for the weekend is to complete the ceilings, which should be easy enough. Then I'll either do some wallpapering or some trim work. Might even put in the window in the tower just to see how that works. All that will come between some time with friends, books getting read, and probably a couple of naps. Yea for long weekends!

Finally - the clapboards are finished!

Library ceiling...

...and front hall ceiling (if you look closely, you can see the back part of the ceiling, too).

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