Monday, September 26, 2011

Life MUST have Kids

One thing I learned not long after moving to Texas: life without kids is for the birds.

I don't understand these people who don't like kids. They don't want kids. They think they're expensive, and nuisances, and take up too much time. Well, so do cars, but I don't see anyone snubbing them. Yes, children are expensive. Yes, they can be nuisances. And, of course, they take up time. Everything in life does, right?

Personally, I can't stand the adult world I entered upon my move to Texas. Adults have too many issues, too many cares, too many expenses and too many excuses for running around in circles and getting nothing done. I can't help the fact that I grew up. Nor can I push aside the fact that being an adult means responsibilities, and expenses, and - yes - issues. But there has got to be some oasis in this world for a bit of guileless, sincere fun when your only worry is the scratch you just got but you'll forget in five seconds.

I haven't any great hopes of having a dozen kids of my own. After all, in God's perfect timing, I'm a little late on joining that band-wagon. But I will take as many as God will give me some day, even if by several sets of twins I could still reach a dozen. (Mom will be happy to come and help, I'm sure!) But as that doesn't seem to be in the immediate future, I am very grateful to enjoy four kids once a week for one whole hour. Sure, they're expensive (gas in the car, craft materials, etc.), and they're nuisances (no, I do not want to hear about your latest invention while I'm trying to tell you the story of Elijah), and they're time consuming (it's a half hour from work to church and then 45 minutes back home - late night!). But they are worth every penny, every interruption, and every minute. I just pray they are as blessed on Wednesday evenings as I am.

The girls - Kate and Ashley.

The boys - Frankie and Matt (who are cousins).

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