Friday, September 30, 2011

This Week...

Well, this week has been rather busy. At work, I mean. Not like a zoo - just steady. At least until 4 in the afternoon when the dams break and everybody wants everything at once within the last hour of the work day. Somehow it all gets done. But once the adrenalin stops, I crash. Good thing I haven't had much to do in the evenings!

Which, yes, means I haven't gotten a great deal done on my dollhouse. Two rooms are totally papered. One has a wall left. Another has one wall cut out. Tonight's goal is to finish the third floor papering. I'm still trying to work out the inside woodwork which will cover the rough edges around the windows and the gaps between the walls and floors or ceilings. I don't mean I don't know where things are going to go. I'm just wondering do I stain all the woodwork the same or should it match the floors in each room? It's not a great wonder I didn't go into interior design...

The library - this room will have wainscoting up to the window. Of course in my real house, I could skip the walls in the library and just put in shelves...

The master bedroom - I was delighted to get wallpaper with lilacs on it! Now I will find some fake ones to put in a vase in the room.

The bathroom - cut the 3rd wall wrong, but there was plenty of paper so it will go in later.

I had to laugh this week when I was at a park with a friend and we were watching the kids play on the playground. We talked about our own memories of play days, and the equipment we use to play on and if we made friends in the sandbox or kept to ourselves. There were two boys about six years old climbing all over the equipment. One finally turned to the other and said, "Stop calling me 'dude'! You know who I am!" It's been a while since I laughed like that!

Thinking this week, as usual, about my life and where God has me. I know I'm not alone in fighting God. He gives us something and it's great. But when it just goes on and on with little change, I'm left wondering if this is really what I'm supposed to be doing. I mean, surely I could do something much more fulfilling. Less paper pushing, mindless numbers, sweltering heat - all those things that make up my daily life. More creativity, imagination, autumn that is actually arriving - all those things I think I'd like. And a lot less conflict - not outwardly but within myself. Of course my Heavenly Father knows all about my struggles, so much so both sermons on Sunday felt like they were not just pointing at me but poking. A reminder that life has struggles, and we're not supposed to seek the nearest exit. Trials are to be endured, knowing our God will see me through them. In fact, it would be a shame on me and my God if I simply jumped ship. And it's probably not a bad indication I'm exactly where God wants me to be if I am battling. Because I know the enemy. And he doesn't want success in my life or glory to my God. Well, he's out of luck. I've made my choice. And, by God's grace, I'm sticking to it.

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